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Signs Of Foundation Issues

Cracked Wall Repairs in Alabama + Tennessee

Don't let a crack take over your life — call us today!

Foundation Problems In Alabama + Tennessee

Cracked Wall Repairs

Cracked-up walls are no laughing matter. Not only is a cracked wall unsightly, but it can also impact your life at home in several ways and be a possible indication of major foundation issues.

For these reasons, cracks in a wall are something you should always have inspected by a professional. When you need reliable wall crack repair, then The Crack Guys are here for you!

With years of experience, a top-notch team and a dedication to fixing every crack house in our community, we’ll do everything we can to fix your wall cracks while addressing the underlying issue that caused them in the first place. We’re committed to providing comprehensive solutions, not temporary fixes.

cracked brick wall

What Causes Cracks In A Wall?

When addressing a cracked wall, it’s vital that you know why it’s cracking in the first place.

Ignoring the root cause of wall cracks can potentially lead to more damage and require far more money to be thrown at the problem before a solution is reached.

In many cases, a cracked wall can be indicative of issues with your foundation — and these problems are far easier to address the earlier you get to them.

Below are some of the major causes of cracks appearing on your walls.

Ground Settlement

While it might seem like one of the most solid things around, the earth beneath our feet is constantly shifting. Over time, the ground under your home may settle, causing areas to sink lower than intended and creating cracks in your walls.

It’s important to note that if ground settlement is causing your walls to crack, it’s also probably causing unseen damage to your foundation.

Water Leaks/Moisture

If given enough time, almost any amount of water can be turned into an incredibly destructive force. Plumbing damage, poor insulation and unseen structural damage can all cause excessive moisture to accumulate which can weaken the building materials of your home over time, leading to eventual cracking.

Similar to ground settlement, an unchecked water leak can damage your foundation just as much as your walls.

Temperature Fluxations

As the temperature changes through the seasons, the materials of your home are forced to expand and contract. When temperature changes happen suddenly, it can cause unexpected amounts of strain on your home, leading to cracks.

Structural Damage And Wear

Wall cracks can also be caused by weak or damaged floors or foundations. Without a solid base to rest on, areas of your home can start to sink – leading to your house slowly tearing itself apart.

Whether your home sits on a concrete slab or uses a pier and beam system, a reliable foundation is vital to the structural integrity of not only the walls but your entire home.

All In All, It’s Just Another, Crack In The Wall

When dealing with wall damage, the problem rarely stops at the walls themselves. When wall cracks aren’t directly being caused by issues with your foundation, it’s likely that whatever is causing them can eventually lead to the foundation if not addressed and without a solid foundation, there is no home.

So most of the time, when you need wall repair, it’s not a wall business you call, it’s a foundation repair company you need — and no one is more qualified to handle cracks than the team here at The Crack Guys.

We’re committed to being the obvious choice when looking for a home foundation repair company in Alabama and Tennessee, and we know that once you get a taste of the superior services we have to offer, you’ll be hooked on a level of customer service that you didn’t know was possible.